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Developing Leadership Teams​


True teamwork is an under-utilised resource in most organisations. Building a cohesive leadership team where the level of trust, accountability and orientation towards shared goals is high, has a dramatical impact on cultural alignment, sense of direction and climate for collaboration not only in the team, but throughout the organisation. 


We use globally acknowledged assessment tools and development techniques to support leadership teams in exploiting the synergies of true team orientation. Pro-Lead is proud to be Authorised Partner, and serve as accreditated facilitators, in the WILEY Five Behaviours of a Cohesive TeamTM training system building on the ground-breaking work of Patrick Lencioni.


Our offerings in developing leadership teams are always adapted to the specific needs of the company and team structure. Often a program is initiated by a thorough team assessment using the combined team assessment and personal profiling test developed by WILEY. This is done to establish a baseline for developing the team behaviours most critical to the performance of the team.

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